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  • Writer's picturepowerridersinc

"Braving the Storm: a rough sendoff to the start of the Hoka hey motorcycle challenge

I’m officially on my way (left almost 7 hours after I was planning to, which is late even by my standards)! After all the mini last minute things stopped deciding to try to rattle my patience I finally was ready to roll, then the storm hit. The eery dark skies that turn day into night, leaving a hint of green tint that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “Yeah….ill hold off for just a bit!”

I’m now currently somewhere south of Cedar Rapids Iowa. The last two hours have been a beautiful lighting storm, the kind that makes you want to just freeze the clearly defined strips of beauty in the sky. Looking at the radar and deciding I need to find solid shelter I find a rest stop 100 miles away. “Ok, let’s play the race the storm game”. Sadly, this rarely turns out well! About 10 minutes of heavy wind, the kind that will blow you right off the road(impressive for the big boat of a bike I’m on) and moments of “I hope this is where the road is” as it seems to disappear in a white wave of rain. I finally get to the rest stop and it’s fenced off and closed for construction. After momentarily consider hopping the fence over playing the “where’s the road” game I decided an escort to a room with a bed(and a lock) might interrupt my riding plans over the next few weeks and off I go. Eight miles to the next exit, where I get to turn around and run back to the same spot only on the opposite side of the freeway to an open rest stop. Doing the math in my head over if doing the mileage dance with my “low fuel” light is going to last long enough to get me to shelter, which it did.

My plan was to write a little bit about what the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge is, but like everything else today, sometimes plans shift, and one just has to roll with it! Time to get some sleep. Stay tuned for the informational note about what the HHMC is, and how to follow along!

click here for all “the things”

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