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  • Writer's picturepowerridersinc

Finding the eye of the storm: nearing departure for the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge

Well deep breath…here we go! After weeks of anxious energy that has left me feeling in a constant panic state as if I’m running from a bear, I am finally getting close to being ready to make the trip to Daytona for the start of the 2024 Hoka Hey Motorcyle Challenge! With thoughts entirely consumed with all things Hoka prep, an uneasyness lurking in the background, scattered thoughts of all the little details that need to get done, concerns of all the things that could go wrong and what I can do to try to be prepared for them(including purchasing a spare fuel pump to carry, in which I’ve realized I have zero space to fit on the bike), it’s been a very long few weeks. At one point a few days ago I found a frying pan in the fridge! Apparently in my scattered panicked thoughts as I was putting away dishes, I put it in the fridge instead of the cupboard next to the fridge where it belongs. So, well that’s how I’m doing!

As I check things off my ridiculously long “todo” list, now clearly prioritizing what essential details need to get done vs the nonessential ones I can let slide, I find my energy focusing and feel a lot more centered. Although still facing overwhelming feelings of what’s to come, I find myself coming to the eye of the anxiety storm. I’m able to sit back, look at the work of art that is my iron steed, with its decals, lights, and various other accessories that have been a labor of love in hopes of bringing some ease and comfort during this challenge and hold a deep pride in all the hiccups that have lead to a bike fully packed and setup for the ride of my life.

I am grateful for this opportunity to support Team Sanfilippo, and greatly look forward to building an unbreakable bond with these families. It is an honor and a pleasure to raise awareness about Sanfilippo Syndrome as I draw strength from these beautiful children. I am now starting to enjoy what has been four years in the making.

Gotta go, still lots to do! See all links below!

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